Is the space open right now? - No

Umeå Hackerspace is closed.

Normal opening hours are:

The above opening hours are aspirational! Check the open status indicator here on the website before dropping by, since it's not guaranteed that anyone has arrived yet. Or just ask on IRC/XMPP.

There is a semi-frequently updated schedule with planned activities here: öppetschema.

We are also listed on spaceapi, which has phone apps available. Just search for "spaceapi" wherever you get your apps, install any one you like, then search for "Umeå Hackerspace".

Articles tagged with Infotech Umeå

Umeå Hackerspace, org-nummer och uppförsbacke

Posted on
By mmn

Skatteverket beslutade 23 mars 2011 att ideella föreningen Umeå Hackerspace skall tilldelas organisationsnumret 802458-8587. Föreningens interimstyrelse, med ordförande pettter, som valdes tidigare i år intervjuades av Mikael Hansson från Infotech Umeå strax efter det konstitutionerande mötet.

Med anledning av den officiella organisationen så fungerar föreningen enligt demokratiska principer och lyder …

Umeå Hackerspace featured on Infotech Umeå

Posted on
By mmn

[caption id="attachment_182" align="alignright" width="300" caption="MMN-o and pettter. Photo: Mikael Hansson/Infotech Umeå"][/caption]

With a Grill-bit delegation having visited 27c3, meeting hackers from all over the world, the local technology internet magazine InfoTech Umeå wanted an interview.

The article produced is in Swedish and rather lightly …