Is the space open right now? - No

Umeå Hackerspace is closed.

Normal opening hours are:

The above opening hours are aspirational! Check the open status indicator here on the website before dropping by, since it's not guaranteed that anyone has arrived yet. Or just ask on IRC/XMPP.

There is a semi-frequently updated schedule with planned activities here: öppetschema.

We are also listed on spaceapi, which has phone apps available. Just search for "spaceapi" wherever you get your apps, install any one you like, then search for "Umeå Hackerspace".

Articles by tms

Nya Öppettider

Posted on
By tms

English translation further down.

På grund av folks nya arbetsscheman kommer Umeå Hackerspace att byta öppettider. I stället för att hålla öppet under torsdagar kommer vi att hålla öppet lördagar klockan 12-17 (utöver tisdagar och ev. onsdagar). Så kom förbi och skruva i något projekt före dina andra lördagsaktiviteter!

Och …

Androidhäng på torsdag

Posted on
By tms

Är du en nybörjare som funderar på att utveckla till Android? Har du lust att hänga med likasinnade? Kom i så fall förbi oss på Fabriksgatan 8b nu på torsdag (16:e Maj) klockan 18-21, ät lite fika, utbyt erfarenheter och få pepp!

Just nu är vi en rätt liten …

Tuesday Roundup

Posted on
By tms

Biggest news this week: we held a cryptoparty at Polkon14 (the Swedish Pirate Party's northern division's conference weekend)! Activities included setting up Thunderbird with GPG (via Enigmail), getting  most of the pirates present on the instant messaging protocol XMPP (since PP already has servers for it) and learning how to …

Happy Easter

Posted on
By tms

Not much going on in the space this week since everyone's home visiting families and such

[caption id="attachment_783" align="alignnone" width="300"]Triangularized easter eggs Triangularized easter eggs[/caption]

Monday Roundup

Posted on
By tms

Another week has come to an end. Or, it ended yesterday. But who's counting?

The space had extended opening hours thanks to mikael popping by around 8-16 most of the week. There was more welding practice done, and MMN-o is working on computer workstations in the lab. We've also started …

Sunday Roundup 8

Posted on
By tms

Late update this time due to sickness.

We had a productive meeting on Thursday about how we can secure better financing and larger premises, which we'll have to act toward in the coming weeks. It turns out we're not the only ones in town with aspirations for an open workshop …

Vi söker ny lokal

Posted on
By tms

Detta är ett officiellt "hej, vi är på jakt efter en större lokal"-inlägg. Om du som läser detta känner till en ledig industri-aktig lokal i Umeå som inte ligger allt för avsides, hör gärna av dig till oss via mail: info [snabel-a] umeahackerspace [punkt] se, eller IRC: #uhck @ irc …

Sunday Roundup 7

Posted on
By tms

Yet another week has passed. This week we've gotten some welding practice done by joining random bits of metal together into a little collective piece.

[caption id="attachment_758" align="alignnone" width="300"]Welding practice creation Behold our metal creation![/caption]

The space was open Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday with fairly good attendance. Among …

Sunday Roundup 6

Posted on
By tms

Not much has happened in the space itself this week - we've mostly been "playing outside". A few of us were at Tvspelsjam, playing games and proselytizing a new game developer förening that Mika is setting up. Others were at Gräv 2014, informing and helping journalists with data security stuff so …

Sunday Roundup 5

Posted on
By tms

Sunday roundup on a Monday, breaking my posting-on-the-proper-day streak (noo!)

First up recluster: lectus soldered a copper manifold for distributing water for cooling. The water cooling is important because server fans make too much noise for the cluster rack to be able to sit in a place where people actually …

Sunday Roundup 4

Posted on
By tms

More Sunday, more roundup.

Work on Recluster is moving along, with various pipe parts having arrived this week. I took a stab at fixing the broken bench power supply. There was an obvious problem with a blown capacitor, but sadly just replacing it wasn't enough to fix the broken channel …

Sunday Roundup 3

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By tms

New Sunday, new roundup.

The biggest news this week is that Academic Computer Club (ACC) donated some of their old servers for the recluster project. This is around 20 machines and a few disk servers in total. Pictures:

[caption id="attachment_718" align="alignnone" width="300"]1U rack servers and random motherboards 1U rack servers donated by …

Sunday Roundup 2

Posted on
By tms

New week, new roundup.

Most of the activity this week revolved around recluster, mikael's low-cost cluster experiment. It seems powering it from a 12 V lead-acid battery works fine, as does the jury-rigged water cooling. Still plenty more to do on that front though.

Some more tools have been put …

Sunday Roundup

Posted on
By tms

This is the first post in a series of posts I plan on writing on Sundays documenting various goings-on in our space.

This week we were open to the public on Tuesday, Wednesday,  Thursday and Sunday, and I'd say average turnout was around six per day. We got a new …